Monday, 30 March 2009

for the first time in my life
in front of the mirror after i bath
when i shaving in front of the mirror
i saw something unusual

unusually seen by my own eyes
black pouch under my eyes!!!!!
im officially have panda eyes!? @.@

then i wonder...
am i getting fairer?
or my eye pouch are more obvious comparing last times?

come to think of it..
last time i slept near 5am and wake up at 8am
at least 3 times a week
and still i didn't have that effect of black pouch eyes

but now....

have to take care of myself better..

well been busy working lately and seldom updating my blog..
sorry for the inconvenient..
most of all sorry to my beloved blog..

tired and zombie- like mood
this is the defects after i start working...
for nearly 3 weeks full

and college..
starting to hate it...
not the college mates,
but the college management...
there's no differences between loan sharks and them..
what happen to them already?!

Monday, 23 March 2009

well its been a while... again!! hahah!!

my birthday was yesterday..

first of all wanna thanks to everyone that have done the following item:
wished me/ belanja-ing me/ texted me etc.

early celebration with mk coz sunday she's not free..
watched 7 Pounds and it was great movie by Will Smith

then saturday night after working..
surprise celebration by my college gang.. till 2am
then Sunday itself is my working day..
my boss treat me a dinner.. accidentally haha!!
then my gang of high school friends treat me another round of supper

well i have decided to drop major subject this semester..
and work till month of August
well hopefully i will make it at that time...

last year, Langkawi vacation..
this year, surprise celebration..
i wonder what's next year would be

work are fun and bored at the same time..
weirdo me...

131 days and still loving it.. ^^

Friday, 13 March 2009

another loooong update!! haha!!

time flies like no tomorrow..
its already near mid of March and..
we been together for 4 months already ^^

well greatest fear ahead..
im 21 soon!! T.T
shit la..

1 advice from this old man..
enjoy teen while u can..
especially you, cheng kim!!
wanna know why??

co you're birthday is at 21st November.. hehe
so enjoy.. before you been called auntie... someday

college start soon and i dont feel like it after all..
although past few months im dead for start college period

11th of march recalls a lot of thing that we're been go through together
from sweet memories to quarrels and disagreements
till date, we been together for 122 days ^^

this particular matter pop into my mind while im in shower
should i postpone my major subject or proceed?

currently taken a job as P1 W1max promoter
who wanna a piece of fast wireless broadband!!
contact me!!