Monday, 3 December 2007

what makes you think like that?!

im really cant get it..

and the most importantly.. what makes you all think like that?!

i not blamming you that you think like that..

im blamming to those people that think like that..

really like wanna tell the whole world that i treat you as a sister of mine only...

a close sis.. although we both are cousins

i just cant get it..

why you all like to predict something that almost near impossible to happen?!

i dont get it man...

i like you?! haa.. you are too young to put in my list man!!

and at here i wanna get clear of something...

i got many under 15 year old friend, dosent meant that i like small girls, OKAY!!! =.="

done with the scolding already... bye bye..

- continue my work -


silO said...

Lol, who are you aiming this post at? You seemed to have a grudge on this person..oh well, I'm just guessing anyway!!

- wei loong - said...

is not oli a person..
is my whole family tree.. =.=