Tuesday, 23 October 2007

been tagged by people... thanks a lot.. Cheng Kim!!

well, lets start reveal the secret of mine!!

5 things found in my bag..
-pencil case
-butter paper [ whole lot of it ]
-color pencils
-my pig pig pendrive [ sometimes only.. ]

5 things found in my purse
-TnG card
-some recipt of purchasing some stuff
-dirt.. haa

5 favourite things in my room...
-the fluffy dog doll tat gaven by my friend
-my pillow
-my blankee..
-my smelly pants that hang at the edge of my bed
-my big wardrobe

5 things i've always wanted to do...
-paintball war with my friend
-bunjee jump with her.. [ if can ]
-travel to Europe [ like Euro Trip!!! haa!! ]
-visit The Louvre, Paris
-sky dive

5 things i'm currently into...
-litsening some songs
-answering this survey
-playing Freecell
-SUPPOSED to do my work... -.-"

5 ppl i'm gonna tag...
1.Amanda, my cousin
2.Hanna, Jon's sis
3.no idea
4.i don't know
5.aiya.. who cares la..

well i hope that the 2 feller i tagged did replied my survey... haaa

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